Vol. 2 No. 3: UCCS Writing Program

A Proposal to Hone Client-Centered Treatment at Pikes Peak Mental Health

Lillian M Sprague

Published 2009-08-24

How to Cite

Sprague, L. M. (2009). A Proposal to Hone Client-Centered Treatment at Pikes Peak Mental Health. URJ-UCCS: Undergraduate Research Journal at UCCS, 2(3), 25–40. Retrieved from https://urj.uccs.edu/index.php/urj/article/view/63


Designed as a proposal for Pikes Peak Mental Health (PPMH), this paper examines the institutional benefits of adopting the Coolidge Axis II Inventory (CATI) and the Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory for Children (CPNI) at PPMH. The CATI and CPNI are compared to three widely-used and alternative assessment methods-- the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – 2; the Million Pre-Adolescent Clinical Inventory; and the Million Adolescent Clinical Inventory. Reliability and validity of the CATI and CPNI are discussed. Based on scholarly research, the proposal includes a section covering the need to assess pre-adolescent and adolescent clients as well as a section examining the advantages of dimensional diagnosis. The findings presented in this paper suggest the CATI and CPNI are comprehensive assessments that provide benefits of honing client-centered treatment plans that enhance company values at a minimal cost. Keywords: Psychological assessment, neuropsychological inventory, treatment plan, dimensional diagnosis, early intervention